

💰 Sold over $45 million DTC 👉🏻 Topics: Business, Personal growth, Money & Life Tips ⚡️ Bootstrapped founder of @bestselfco (acquired 2022)

how I'm using AI in my business 🤖

Hey Reader, I know I know it's been a bit since I've emailed. When I bought BestSelf back it was a team of one (me). Since early February to June I've grown the team to 7! This involved bringing back 2 old team members (customer service & designer) and hired 5 more people. Onboarding and training people is not even close to my favorite thing, but it's a necessary measure to be able to get out of the weeds. Tools like ChatGPT have been incredibly helpful for this. From helping with job...

inexperience debt 😣

Hey Reader, I know I dropped a bomb in my last email about buying BestSelf back and then seemingly disappeared. I've been working to stabilize the business and get things back on track so it's been a grind. I got a ton of interest on the inner circle idea and am trying to figure out the best way to do that. I was giving myself 60 days to focus on BestSelf before jumping on it — will be sharing a deep dive on the first 60 days shortly! Suffice to say things are looking up and I've already...

I bought a business 🤝

I bought a business! It closed officially last Friday and I got "handed the keys" an hour later. (By keys I mean 1Password vault access of course.) Btw I've found the process of buying and selling companies to be underwhelming. You build and grow something for years, then with a few clicks on Docusign and poof, it's gone. Compare this to when we did a house refinance a few years ago. We had to go to an office across town and spend an hour under fluorescent lighting signing paperwork with a...

🎯 2024 goals

Hey Reader, This email will share: 🚀 My 2024 Goals: My plans for this year (inc. secret coming soon 🤫) 💪 100 Days of Doing: The truth behind my 100-day video challenge 🧠 Internet Finds: From unlocking AI's potential to a fun fact about the iconic Michael Jackson Smooth Criminal dance move. 🛠️ Free Resource/Tool: Plus, a special gift to help you shatter your big goals. My 2024 goals This week I'm sharing some of the tools I use to boost engagement on my posts. → Read it now 100 Days of Doing...

🗓️ 2023 recap

Hey Reader 👋🏻, This year I learned that as a parent the new year really starts once daycare/school re-opens. For me that was this week 🎉 So I sat down and did my 2023 annual review! For the last 10 years I've been doing annual reviews and sharing them on my blog. I do these mostly for myself. I share publicly because I enjoy reading other peoples. I also think it'll be fun to look back on when I'm older. (When the robots take over they might enjoy reading too 😆) Read my 2023 Review (If you...

feeling like a fraud 💀

Hey Reader, Just two days ago, I was at a small mastermind event in Austin with Nathan Barry (founder of ConvertKit) to discuss the idea of becoming a Billion Dollar Creator. While the event was wonderful, but I left feeling like a total fraud.Everyone around me had their act together. Me? I felt like a boat with no motor, floating wherever the current took me. Sure, I can come up with a millions ideas for other people to do, but when it comes to my own stuff? I can't seem to pick a...

have you done this too? 👨‍🚀

Hey Reader, My friend Sam recently tweeted about the Overview Effect. Essentially it's a mental shift that happens when astronauts see the earth from space where they realize we're all floating on a rock in space. Suddenly big important life things don't feel so important. This reminded me of what I do when I'm drowning in problems or feeling overwhelmed. I watch space movies. Why? Because after watching one of these a few years back (during a stressful time) I left the theatre feeling...

partner lifehacks 👯‍♀️

Hey Reader, Before we jump in, we're officially in Q4! There are 89 days left in the year. Curious, what are you doing to finish the year strong? In this email I want to share 3 things: • 🏡 lifehacks for a happy home• 🛠️ my new favorite tool (and a screenshare of the workflow)• 🤔 an opportunity to create something unique for you Partner Lifehacks Relationships can be difficult, especially once you are responsible for tiny humans together. I shared a short video about things my wife and I do...

how chatGPT saved me $5300 💰

Hey Reader 👋🏻, 100 Days Doing Challenge (starts tomorrow!) This is your last chance to be a part of my 100-Days Doing Challenge. If you have been contemplating joining, now is the time to take action! Sign up here Deadline: Today! 9/20/23 by 9:00 PM CST By taking part in this challenge, not only will you work towards a personal goal, but you will also join a small community of like-minded individuals who will be there to support you every step of the way. Here’s What You Can Expect: • Daily...

how to create better stuff 🧢

Hey Reader 👋🏻, “An object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion” — Newton's first law of motion 🍎 In my last email, I got a ton of positive responses on my 100-Day challenge idea so we’re going to make this a real thing. It officially kicks off on Thursday, September 21st, and runs for 100 days until Friday, December 30th.(I shifted the timeline a little to allow for some prep and also to bring us to the end of the year.) Quantity > Quality We often hear the term...

💰 Sold over $45 million DTC 👉🏻 Topics: Business, Personal growth, Money & Life Tips ⚡️ Bootstrapped founder of @bestselfco (acquired 2022)